- May 15, 2020
Importance of choosing right gun types
Game development companies are designing many new games to entertain its players. Player Unknowns Battlegrounds Company developed the famous shooting game pubg which seems to gain more followers as soon as launched in the gaming platform. Players can simply download it on their mobile phone in easy steps that enable players to engage in their favorite shooting tasks. As pubg comes under shooting type genre a player need to know about various gun types available for looting. Each gun has its own shooting features. Based on the firing speed and damage it makes, player chooses the gun. Depending upon the gun features player chooses different guns as their favorite ones. Many articles are available for choosing guns where you can find comparison among different guns. For some people, sniper guns are favorite for them in shooting their enemies. Along with their favorite guns players are using pubg cheats code for successful defeating of enemies. These cheat codes plays vital role for establishing a good shooting experience for players.
Equipping with right gun would be one of the tips that many experts suggest for pubg players. All weapons encompass both advantages and disadvantages.
Shooting capacity
Some guns have long range shooting capacity that is having high damage power. Example for these gun types will be mutant and sks. Vector gun types have medium shooting capabilities that are not mostly chosen by players because they need to shoot the enemies from long sight also.
Loading speed
Apart from firing and damage powers the bullet loading speed is also important if you are in a battle field.
Gun stability
Recoiling stability is also important so that you can have control of gun in your hands.
Each gun is differentiated from other one based on these factors. Let’s have a look on some popular guns that most players choose.
MK47 Mutant
This is one of the best rifles for establishing long range shooting. You can still enhance this capability if you are using pubg cheats. MK47 is also a 7.62 gun slightly better than AKM in terms of bullet speed in hitting the target. This gun has good velocity in reaching the enemy without wasting bullets while shooting from far distance.
Though M416 is using 5.56 bullets; this is used as a stable one. It is reliable under all situations hence many players choose this gun also. M416 also have good shooting power although not to the power of 7.62 guns
Many other gun varieties are also there like these. You can choose your favorite one based on its features.